
Friday, September 5, 2014

Chin up!

I can’t be the only one. The only one who goes through her day, almost the entire day, just going through the motions, feeling blah for no reason.

Well, this was 100% me today, until around 4:00. I was just feeling like the day was kind of pointless. But then, all of the sudden, it was like God whispered to me. Suddenly I noticed how beautiful the clouds looked. How white they were against the impossibly blue sky. And the fact that my eyes can see this beauty, just by looking up.

Then I started getting a little sentimental and looking into it a bit too far… and I thought of something that I think is profound but in reality is probably quite cheesy and silly sounding. But here it is anyway.

If I had kept looking at my own level, or even worse, down at the ground… If I kept looking at the hum-drum part of life and never bothered to lift my eyes… I never would have experienced the small, yet huge, gift of the bright white clouds against the bright blue sky.

So here is my reminder to myself, and to you if you don’t mind – look up. Especially on days like mine, or on horrid days from the pits of Hades… Look up! I guarantee it will help. Of course I haven’t tested this on rainy days, but I bet it will work in any weather, because there is just something about the sky and the expanse of it, and something about the lifting of your chin. There is something about looking beyond yourself and remembering there is a huge sky above you, that you cannot even fathom the gigantic-ness of. There is something about looking outside yourself, looking ABOVE yourself, that puts things in the proper perspective.

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